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"Записки одного юриста"

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Адвокат Киселев Павел Васильевич
Успешный опыт адвокатской деятельности с марта 2002г. - 
гарантия благоприятного решении Ваших проблем.

Teachers’ Perceptions of Standards

Teachers’ Perceptions of Standards Название лота Teachers’ Perceptions of Standards Автор: Wonim Son Издательство: Книга по Требованию Год издания: 2010 ISBN: 978-3-8383-3997-9 Описание: Teachers’ Perceptions of Standards Caring, competent, and highly-qualified teachers are the most important factor contributing to P-12 education in the 21st century. Standards-based teacher education provides a road map for the preparation and ongoing professional development of teachers. It is important to know teacher's perceptions of teaching standards to improve standards-based teacher education programs which are based on developmentally appropriate practices. This book shares kindergarten teachers' perceptions of professional standards through a quantitative study conducted in the state of Indiana. Stakeholders in standards-based education reform, including principals, superintendents, teachers, college administrators, professors, and parents, can use this information to improve the teaching profession and benefit young children. This book sheds light on the relevance of professional teaching standards in the work of in-service early childhood educators.
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Категория: Книжный магазин: Криминология. Криминалистика

Reaching the Top of the Mountain

Название лота Reaching the Top of the Mountain Автор: Diane Kashin Издательство: Книга по Требованию Год издания: 2010 ISBN: 978-3-8383-0120-4 Описание: Reaching the Top of the Mountain Emergent curriculum constitutes a direction for early childhood education teachers to ascend from a position of poor self-image and sometimes dubious practice to reach a peak of transformation. At the top of the mountain, a reframed self-image for the early childhood educator is possible. Teaching and learning in an emergent way empowers both children and teachers. Based on the theories of Lev Vygotsky emergent curriculum involves children and teachers in a process of co-construction. Inspiration for this innovative approach comes from the pre-primary schools of Reggio Emilia, Italy. This study examines the impact of emergent curriculum on four early childhood education teachers. Results indicate that emergent curriculum not only changed the daily practice of these teachers but has had a profound impact on how they view themselves.
Полная версия статьи
Категория: Книжный магазин: Криминология. Криминалистика

The effects of encouragement

Название лота The effects of encouragement Автор: Robin Steele Издательство: Книга по Требованию Год издания: 2010 ISBN: 978-3-8383-9334-6 Описание: The effects of encouragement The author is concerned with teaching processes that influence the emergence of social behaviours in preschool children, particularly the quality of peer-peer interactions. As western society moved from an autocratic society to one that values equality and respect for people's rights, there is a need to build courageous, socially responsible, communicating future generations, in which teachers are questioning how best to gain the cooperation of children. Alfred Adler, the founder of Individual Psychology, suggests that a child's level of social interest is shown by their degree of cooperation which can be developed through encouragement processes and strategies such as using a democratic teaching approach with an encouraging attitude; group discussions and decision-making; and the use of consequences, to develop cooperative behaviours in children.
Полная версия статьи
Категория: Книжный магазин: Криминология. Криминалистика

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