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"Записки одного юриста"

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Адвокат Киселев Павел Васильевич
Успешный опыт адвокатской деятельности с марта 2002г. - 
гарантия благоприятного решении Ваших проблем.


Название лота ATTITUDES and PERSONALITY IN EARLY CHILDHOOD TEACHER CANDIDATES Автор: Emine Ferda Bedel Издательство: Книга по Требованию Год издания: 2010 ISBN: 978-3-6392-7591-9 Описание: ATTITUDES and PERSONALITY IN EARLY CHILDHOOD TEACHER CANDIDATES The primary objective of the study described in this book was to examine prospective early childhood education teachers 'attitudes toward the teaching profession and how those attitudes relate to their personality characteristics. The theoretical background for this research derives from both teacher education and psychology literature. 180 prospective early childhood teachers participated in the study.Collected research data originated from the education departments of three Turkish universities located in Ankara.The measurement of attitudes toward teaching used The Attitude Toward Teaching Scale, and for the measurement of personality characteristics, Locus of Control and Sociotropy-autonomy Scale. The results showed that the participants had fairly high positive attitudes toward teaching.
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Категория: Книжный магазин: Криминология. Криминалистика

KidSmart im Kindergarten

Название лота KidSmart im Kindergarten Автор: claudio eyer Издательство: Книга по Требованию Год издания: 2010 ISBN: 978-3-6392-8172-9 Описание: KidSmart im Kindergarten IKT (Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie) in der Grundschule bzw. Kindergarten ist schon seit Jahren ein kritisches Thema fur Padagogen und anderen Fachkraften in diesem "Geschaft". Die Firma IBM hat in vielen Landern eine "KidSmart-Lernstation" gestiftet und garantiert auf Grund einer Evaluationsstudie in vielen Hinsichten Qualitat und Erfolg. Um dies aus einer neutralen Sicht zu ergrunden, wurden Beobachtungen und Inerviews im Kindergarten vorgenommen und ausgewertet. Interessant sind Diskrepanzen zwischen den Ergebnissen von IBM und dieser Studie. Nichtsdestotrotz werden zum Schluss anwendbare und realistische Tipps zum Umgang mit IKT vorgeschlagen. Das Buch soll dem Leser zeigen, dass IKT nur ein Medium ist und auch nur eines von vielen bleiben soll. Viel wichtiger ist der richtige Einsatz in der Schule...
Полная версия статьи
Категория: Книжный магазин: Криминология. Криминалистика

(re)searching for shared meanings between teachers and children

Название лота (re)searching for shared meanings between teachers and children Автор: Jennifer Skattebol Издательство: Книга по Требованию Год издания: 2010 ISBN: 978-3-6392-8461-4 Описание: (re)searching for shared meanings between teachers and children How do children fashion themselves as citizens? How do they make friends, establish belonging and become participatory citizens in a broader society that entitles some and excludes others? This book explores how a group of children and their teachers built inclusive communities and developed pedagogical practices which recognise children's agency and citizenship. Traditional pedagogies suppressed the engagement with politics in early years education and valorised images of the child as ‘innocent'. This study traces the limitations of this view of children and of authorised early childhood pedagogies. Through a fine grained analysis of children's interactions, this study uses theory from Butler and Bourdieu to reconceptualise children's constructions of their identities and their sense of belonging and community.
Полная версия статьи
Категория: Книжный магазин: Криминология. Криминалистика

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