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"Записки одного юриста"

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Адвокат Киселев Павел Васильевич
Успешный опыт адвокатской деятельности с марта 2002г. - 
гарантия благоприятного решении Ваших проблем.

Genese de l'expression de la causalite dans les recits chez l'enfant

Название лота Genese de l'expression de la causalite dans les recits chez l'enfant Автор: Helene Makdissi Издательство: Книга по Требованию Год издания: 2010 ISBN: 978-6-1315-0213-2 Описание: Genese de l'expression de la causalite dans les recits chez l'enfant Cette etude qualitative explore un aspect crucial du developpement de l'enfant, celui de la comprehension du recit vue sous l'angle de l'elaboration des relations causales effectuees par les enfants entre les differentes composantes de l'histoire. Douze enfants d'age prescolaire ont ete rencontres (3;6 a 6;0 ans). En des moments cles de la chaine causale des evenements du recit, la lecture a ete arretee pour ecouter reflechir les enfants sur la construction des relations qu'ils avaient elaboree. En fin de lecture, les memes enfants ont repondu a quatre questions d'inference. Un premier niveau d'analyse decrit, pour chaque enfant, les relations causales construites.
Полная версия статьи
Категория: Книжный магазин: Криминология. Криминалистика

The Development of Phonemic Awareness

Название лота The Development of Phonemic Awareness Автор: Vasiliki Veneti Издательство: Книга по Требованию Год издания: 2010 ISBN: 978-3-8383-9583-8 Описание: The Development of Phonemic Awareness The effect of schooling, word structure and age on the phonemic awareness was tested by the use of words categories, which the number of syllables was the determining factor in terms of difficulty. The main hypothesis was that the development of phonemic awareness depended of the children's age, schooling and word's structure. The independent variables that were taken into consideration were the age, school and difficulty in the word's structure. The experimenter based on two pilot studies concluded in the test format. The sample that used in the test format constituted of 40 children of 63 to 102 months old which 20 of them were kindergarten children and 20 were students at the first class of an elementary school at Athens, Greece.
Полная версия статьи
Категория: Книжный магазин: Криминология. Криминалистика

Jake just does scribbles but I do pictures

Название лота Jake just does scribbles but I do pictures Автор: Rosemary Richards Издательство: Книга по Требованию Год издания: 2010 ISBN: 978-3-8383-2065-6 Описание: Jake just does scribbles but I do pictures Adults often attribute children's declining confidence and interest in drawing to negative adult messages. Consequently teachers are reluctant to interact with children involved in art activities. Despite this view little research has been undertaken with children to explore the relationship between art confidence and messages. Therefore Rosemary Richards undertook research with 136 four- to nine-year-old New Zealand children in an early childhood centre and primary school that investigated their drawing self-efficacy and the messages they gave and received. Bandura's (1986) self-efficacy theory and sources of information provided a theoretical framework. Over a three month period the children responded to questionnaires and interviews and were observed while engaged in art activities.
Полная версия статьи
Категория: Книжный магазин: Криминология. Криминалистика

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